
Creative, critical and collaborative learning activities from India

As the children's blog grows, and they begin researching this year's theme, a part of the Inventors4Change team has moved temporarily to India to conduct teacher training activities and workshops with children in the participating schools.

Teacher training is mainly focused on Scratch and collaborative digital storytelling. Workshops with children have also addressed these same topics, but also include low-cost robotics, computational tinkering, unplugged computer science and other activities.

The videoconferences between Catalonia, India and Colombia will start very soon, and then the children will carry out the online collaborative work to co-create digital stories on the theme "learning with and from old people".

As you can see, the project is going full steam ahead! :)

PS: photos by Jordifreix.


1 comentaris:

  1. Great!!!!
    This is the best way to introduce coding for kids.
